Click the advanced search menu to make the following available for selection:


The system will use the best search possible given the search text provided, for example, if a MAC address is entered, the system will search only MAC address fields.

Common Fields

The system will search the common fields as described in the Default Search Fields section.

MAC Address

The system will search only MAC address fields and allows for partial MAC addresses to be entered - for example "AB:*".

IP Address

The system will search only IP address fields.

Database Name

The system will search for databases with the specified name in SQL instances.

Custom Attributes

The system will search the custom attributes assigned to items.

Recurse Containers

When the user is searching a container, this determines whether the system should search for items in child containers. It is enabled by default.

Recurse Locations

When the user is searching a location, this determines whether the system should search for items in child location. It is enabled by default.