
Determines whether AppDisks should be read for the XenDesktop site.


Determines whether the connection details for AppDNA integration should be read for the XenDesktop site.


Determines whether applications should be read for the XenDesktop site.

Delivery Controller Host Information

Determines whether host information such as operating system name, manufacturer and model should be read from the delivery controller servers in the site. This requires a direct PowerShell remoting or WMI connection to be made to each host.

Delivery Controller Host Information Scan Method

Determines the scan method to use for connecting to each delivery controller directly to collect host information - Automatic, PowerShell or WMI. When set to Automatic the system will attempt to connect to each delivery controller using PowerShell remoting, and if it fails will revert to a direct WMI connection.

Delivery Groups

Determines whether delivery groups should be read for the XenDesktop site.

Hosting Resources

Determines whether to read the hosting units (resources) configured for hypervisor (hosting) connections.


Determines whether to read the icons configured for items such as applications and delivery groups in the site.

Machine Catalogs

Determines whether machine catalogs should be read for the site.


Determines whether the machines providing the services should be read for the site.


Determines whether polices should be read from the site.

Site Administrators

Determines whether to read information about the administrators configured in the site.

Site Licensing Information

Determines whether licensing information should be read for the site.

Site Log Entries

Determines whether entries should be read from the site logging database. This setting only applies when the logging database is enabled for the site.

Site Log Entries Max Records

The maximum number of site log entries to read. This setting only applies when the site log entries are enabled.


Determines whether the Zones should be read for the XenDesktop site.