Enable Diagnostics in Web.Config
The diagnostics can be enabled by configuring the Web.Config file which by default can be found at the following path
C:\Program Files\CENTREL Solutions\XIA Configuration\XIA Configuration Server\Web.Config
When diagnostics are disabled the section of the Web.Config file resembles the following
<trace autoflush="true">
<clear />
<!-- Uncomment the following line to enable trace logging from startup. This is not required normally as this can be enabled from the web interface once the application is running. -->
<!-- <add name="TextTracer" type="CENTREL.XIA.Support.AdvancedTextWriterTraceListener, CENTREL.XIA.Support" initializeData="~\App_Data\Logs\Trace\Trace.log" /> -->
To enable diagnostics, the comment characters <!--and --> must be removed so that the section of Web.Config file resembles the following.
<trace autoflush="true">
<clear />
<!-- Uncomment the following line to enable trace logging from startup. This is not required normally as this can be enabled from the web interface once the application is running. -->
<add name="TextTracer" type="CENTREL.XIA.Support.AdvancedTextWriterTraceListener, CENTREL.XIA.Support" initializeData="~\App_Data\Logs\Trace\Trace.log" />
To avoid unnecessary disk space usage, diagnostics should be disabled when not in use.