Custom attributes are stored as part of an item.

  • The example uses the AddCustomAttribute helper method to automatically create and add the custom attribute of the appropriate type, or update the existing custom attribute with the specified identifier.

Code Sample

# Set the variables.

$itemID = 1234;

# Get the item.

$item = $xia.GET_Item($itemID, 0);

# Get the custom attributes.

$customAttributes = $item.CustomAttributes;

# Check out the item.


# Add or update the specified custom attribute.

$xia.DO_AddCustomAttribute([ref]$customAttributes, [GUID]"00b0c5f6-800a-4866-be2a-75927c50fe53", "Enhanced");

$xia.DO_AddCustomAttribute([ref]$customAttributes, [GUID]"a85b928e-bad3-4a09-84ab-ad2ff625faf2", "A12345");

# Update the item.

$item.CustomAttributes = $customAttributes;

$item.VersionDescription = "Updated custom attributes";


# Check in the item back in.
