Authentication Type

Determines the authentication type to use either Negotiate or Basic. This setting only applies when specific credentials are used.

Digitally sign data

Determines whether the data being uploaded to the XIA Configuration Server should be digitally signed to ensure integrity of data between the client and server. If this setting is modified the server must also have the corresponding setting configured in the import engine settings

Use compression when uploading data

Determines whether the XML data uploaded to the XIA Configuration Server should be compressed.

Report exceptions when running scan tasks to server

Determines whether exceptions that occur when running scan tasks should be reported to the XIA Configuration Server.

Use client certificate authentication

Determines whether a client certificate should be used when connecting to the XIA Configuration Server. For more information see the configuring client certificates section.

Selected Certificate

The name of the certificate to use for client certificate authentication - certificates will only be displayed if:

  • They support client authentication
  • Have the private key available
  • Are installed into the Personal certificate store of the service account user

For more information see the configuring client certificates section.

Server Timeout (seconds)

The server connection timeout in seconds, this has a default value of 240 seconds.