Update Item Synchronization Settings
The following example updates the ServiceNow synchronization settings for the item.
- Connect to the configuration web service.
- Get the current ServiceNow synchronization settings for the item.
- Modify and commit the ServiceNow synchronization settings for the item.
- The item type must support synchronization.
- The user must have both write permissions to the item and the manage ServiceNow item synchronization server permission.
Code Sample
# Gets the current ServiceNow synchronization settings for the item with the specified item identifier.
$settings = $xia.GET_ServiceNowItemSynchronizationSettings(37663);
# Modify the settings.
$settings.Enabled = $true;
$settings.ServiceNowIdentifier = [System.Guid]::Parse("82e0ca66-42cb-4c0e-a2c1-c7d0709761cf");
# Commit the changes to the ServiceNow synchronization settings.