Server Functions
XIA Configuration Server displays information about the functions being performed by a Windows Server, this information can be used to identify servers which are running multiple functions.
The information includes
- Function name such as "DHCP Server".
- Enabled, which determines whether the role is enabled - for example whether the Windows service is enabled or disabled.
- Active, determines whether the function is active - for example whether the Windows service was running at the time of the scan.
- Instance identifier which determines the name of the instance for functions that can be installed multiple times such as SQL Server instances.
The XIA Configuration Client is able to automatically detect the following functions
- Citrix XenApp Farm Server
- Citrix XenDesktop Site Server
- DHCP Server
- DNS Server
- Domain Controller
- Hyper-V Server
- IIS FTP Server
- IIS Web Server
- Remote Desktop Session Host
- SQL Instance
- vCenter Server
- WINS Server