The following example gets the reporting objects in the specified report folder.

  • Connect to the reporting web service

  • The identifier "e5cf10bc-a9e0-446e-b049-e06937213615" refers to the unique identifier of the report folder from which the reporting objects are to be displayed.

  • Alternatively the unique identifier "3F836181-2109-4F5B-A1CF-B7AA8D14C212" can be used which is the well-known identifier of the root report folder.

  • The boolean parameter determines whether the system should recurse child report folders

  • This method is affected by the "Hide reports and report binders from users who do not have permissions to execute them" reporting settings.

Code Sample

# Gets the reporting objects in the specified report folder and child report folders, and displays the reporting object name and object type.

$reportingObjects = $reporting.GET_ReportingObjects("e5cf10bc-a9e0-446e-b049-e06937213615", $true);

foreach ($reportingObject in $reportingObjects.ReportingObject)


    Write-Host $reportingObject.DisplayName "-" $reportingObject.ObjectTypeString;
