Represents a single DHCP IPv6 subnet (or Scope)

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: CENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCPCENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCPCENTREL::XIA::Network::Management::DHCP
Assembly: CENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCP (in CENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCP.dll)



public class DHCPScopeV6


Public Class DHCPScopeV6


public ref class DHCPScopeV6

The DHCPScopeV6DHCPScopeV6DHCPScopeV6 type exposes the following members.


Name Description
DHCPScopeV6()New()DHCPScopeV6() Initializes a new instance of the DHCPScopeV6DHCPScopeV6DHCPScopeV6 class.


Name Description
AddressAddressAddress Gets or sets the IPv6 address of the subnet
AddressValueAddressValueAddressValue Gets or sets the address of the subnet as a DHCP_IPV6_ADDRESS value
DDNSDDNSDDNS Gets or sets the DDNS settings for this subnet
DescriptionDescriptionDescription Gets or sets the description of this subnet
ExclusionsExclusionsExclusions Gets or sets the IP address ranges that are excluded from distribution
NameNameName Gets or sets the name of the subnet
OptionsOptionsOptions Gets or sets the option values configured for this scope specifically at the scope level
PreferencePreferencePreference Gets or sets the preference of this scope
PrefixPrefixPrefix Gets or sets the length of the prefix of this subnet typically this is /64
ReservationsReservationsReservations Gets or sets the reserved IP addresses for this subnet
StateStateState Gets or sets the current state of the subnet


Name Description
Equals(object)Equals(Object)Equals(Object^) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)
Finalize()Finalize()Finalize() Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)
GetHashCode()GetHashCode()GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)
GetType()GetType()GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)
MemberwiseClone()MemberwiseClone()MemberwiseClone() Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)
ToString()ToString()ToString() Returns a String that represents the current Object. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)

See Also

CENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCPCENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCPCENTREL::XIA::Network::Management::DHCP Namespace