Represents the configuration of a DHCP server

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: CENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCPCENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCPCENTREL::XIA::Network::Management::DHCP
Assembly: CENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCP (in CENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCP.dll)



public class DHCPServerConfiguration


Public Class DHCPServerConfiguration


public ref class DHCPServerConfiguration

The DHCPServerConfigurationDHCPServerConfigurationDHCPServerConfiguration type exposes the following members.


Name Description
DHCPServerConfiguration()New()DHCPServerConfiguration() Initializes a new instance of the DHCPServerConfigurationDHCPServerConfigurationDHCPServerConfiguration class.


Name Description
AuditEnabledAuditEnabledAuditEnabled Gets or sets whether audit is enabled on this DHCP server
AuditLogDirectoryAuditLogDirectoryAuditLogDirectory Gets or sets the path to the audit log directory
BackupPathBackupPathBackupPath Gets or sets the path to the database backup directory
BindingsBindingsBindings Gets or sets the IPv4 server bindings configured on this server
BindingsV6BindingsV6BindingsV6 Gets or sets the IPv6 server bindings configured on this server
ConflictDetectionAttempsConflictDetectionAttempsConflictDetectionAttemps Gets or sets the number of conflict detection attemps
DDNSCredentialsDDNSCredentialsDDNSCredentials Gets or sets the credentials used for DDNS registration in the format "domainname\username". If this field is empty then no credentials are specified.
DatabaseDirectoryDatabaseDirectoryDatabaseDirectory Gets or sets the path to the database directory
IsDomainMemberIsDomainMemberIsDomainMember Gets or sets whether the DHCP Server is a domain member
IsRogueIsRogueIsRogue Gets or sets whether the DHCP Server is rogue
NAPQuarantineEnabledNAPQuarantineEnabledNAPQuarantineEnabled Gets or sets whether NAP quarantine is enabled on this DHCP server
NAPUnavailableActionNAPUnavailableActionNAPUnavailableAction Gets or sets the action the DHCP server should take when a NAP server is unavailable


Name Description
Equals(object)Equals(Object)Equals(Object^) Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)
Finalize()Finalize()Finalize() Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)
GetHashCode()GetHashCode()GetHashCode() Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)
GetType()GetType()GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)
MemberwiseClone()MemberwiseClone()MemberwiseClone() Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)
ToString()ToString()ToString() Returns a String that represents the current Object. (Inherited from ObjectObjectObject.)

See Also

CENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCPCENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCPCENTREL::XIA::Network::Management::DHCP Namespace