This member is overloaded. For complete information about this member, including syntax, usage, and examples, click a name in the overload list.

Overload List

Name Description
GetEffectiveScopeOptions(DHCPScope)GetEffectiveScopeOptions(DHCPScope)GetEffectiveScopeOptions(DHCPScope^) Gets the effective options for the specified scope including the options configured at the scope and server level. Only the effective options are shown therefore if the same option is configured at the scope and server level only the most specific (in this case scope level) option is shown.
GetEffectiveScopeOptions(DHCPScopeV6)GetEffectiveScopeOptions(DHCPScopeV6)GetEffectiveScopeOptions(DHCPScopeV6^) Gets the effective options for the specified scope including the options configured at the scope and server level. Only the effective options are shown therefore if the same option is configured at the scope and server level only the most specific (in this case scope level) option is shown.
GetEffectiveScopeOptions(DHCP_IPV6_ADDRESS)GetEffectiveScopeOptions(DHCP_IPV6_ADDRESS)GetEffectiveScopeOptions(DHCP_IPV6_ADDRESS) Gets the effective options for the specified scope including the options configured at the scope and server level. Only the effective options are shown therefore if the same option is configured at the scope and server level only the most specific (in this case scope level) option is shown.
GetEffectiveScopeOptions(uint)GetEffectiveScopeOptions(UInteger)GetEffectiveScopeOptions(unsigned int) Gets the effective options for the specified scope including the options configured at the scope and server level. Only the effective options are shown therefore if the same option is configured at the scope and server level only the most specific (in this case scope level) option is shown.

See Also

DHCPServerManagementDHCPServerManagementDHCPServerManagement Class
CENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCPCENTREL.XIA.Network.Management.DHCPCENTREL::XIA::Network::Management::DHCP Namespace