The advanced PowerShell connection settings.

Always Use Remoting

Determines whether to use PowerShell remoting even when making local connections.

Authentication Mechanism

The authentication mechanism - Kerberos, Automatic, Negotiate or Basic.


The TCP port to use for HTTP based PowerShell remoting connections.


The TCP port to use for HTTP based PowerShell remoting connections.

Ignore Certificate Issues

Determines whether certificate issues should be ignored when making HTTPS connections.

Maximum Redirections

The maximum number of URI redirections to allow.

Open Timeout

The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that Windows PowerShell will wait for an open operation to complete. By default this is 180 seconds.

Operation Timeout

The amount of time (in milliseconds) that Windows PowerShell will wait for an operation to complete. By default this is 180 seconds.


The path for the remote connection, by default this is "/wsman".


The protocol to use to connect to the PowerShell remoting session - automatic, HTTP, or HTTPS.

Shell URI

The uniform resource identifier for the shell to load, this is configured by the endpoint. This shell may set security, run scripts and load snap-ins automatically.