Parent Customers
Within XIA Configuration Server, it is possible to store items within customers which behave in a similar way to a standard container.
To determine which customer an item belongs to, the GetItemParentCustomerName and GetItemParentCustomerID functions can be used.
- If multiple customers are nested within each other, the most immediate customer in the hierarchy is returned.
- When running GetItemParentCustomerID, if the item has no parent customer, zero is returned.
- When running GetItemParentCustomerName, if the item has no parent customer, an empty string is returned.
The following example returns the unique identifier and name of each item's parent customer where a parent customer is available
[dbo].[ItemCore].[ItemID] AS [Item ID],
[dbo].[ItemCore].[Name] AS [Item Name],
[dbo].[ItemCore].[Description] AS [Description],
[dbo].GetItemParentCustomerID(ItemID) AS [Parent Customer ID],
[dbo].GetItemParentCustomerName(ItemID) AS [Parent Customer Name]
[dbo].[ItemCore].[ItemDeletedDate] IS NULL
[dbo].GetItemParentCustomerID([ItemCore].[ItemID]) <> 0