Service 'XIA Configuration Service' (XIAConfigurationSvc) failed to start
When installing either the XIA Configuration Client or the XIA Configuration Server (as this contains the XIA Configuration Client), the following dialog is seen
Service 'XIA Configuration Service' (XIAConfigurationSvc) failed to start.
Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.
There are several possible causes of this issue
- The password for the service account has expired.
- The account is disabled.
- The account is locked out.
- The service account stored in the registry is different from that stored in the service management console.
- The service account has not been assigned the Log on as a service right.
- The service account has been assigned the Deny log on as a service right.
- Open Windows Event Viewer and check for any log on related errors. Change the service account password if it has expired.
- Ensure the account is not disabled.
- Unlock the account.
- If you are upgrading and have changed the service account manually since the installation, ensure that you have followed the instructions for changing the service account.
- Ensure that the service account has been assigned the Log on as a service right. This is automatically granted by the installation, however can be overridden by the Group Policy configuration within your organization.
- Ensure that the service account has not been assigned the Deny log on as a service right.