XIA Configuration supports the documentation of Citrix on the following versions:
Find out more about the Citrix XenDesktop information documented by XIA Configuration below:
Document the following settings for published applications:
Audit the following AppDisk information:
XIA Configuration provides the following AppDNA information:
The screenshot below shows the AppDNA connection settings within Citrix Studio:
XIA Configuration retrieves this information and displays these settings in its web interface:
The documentation generated by XIA Configuration also includes these settings:
Document and track changes to the security of your Citrix XenDesktop site including:
Run reports on the following information on delivery controllers:
Document the following hosting (hypervisor) connections information:
Audit the following licensing configuration:
XIA Configuration retrieves the following information about delivery groups:
Generate Citrix documentation with the following information about machine catalogs:
Document the following information on policies:
Audit the following zones information:
No commitments. No costs. Try XIA Configuration today.
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